
Saturday, February 5, 2011

How To Remove Onscreen Keypad on Nokia 5800-N97 Java Application

remove onscreen keypad on s60v5When you install and lunch java application on nokia s60v5, so for 5800 and N97. it shows onscreen keypad like following image. Due to this onscreen keypad you cannot enjoy java application on full screen. Its really annoying alot users. Now if you like to run java application on fullscreen mode then here is a simple guide how to remove onscreen keypad. Now here we taking example of doodle jump on 5800.

Monday, January 31, 2011

How To Disable Startup programs In Windows 7

pc trick disable startup programsStartup programs will automatically starts whenever you start up your PC. There are many unnecessary programs which takes so much memory and you rarely use that (slowdown your pc). By disabling startup programs unnecessary your PC performance will improve much better than before. For some example of startup programs like yahoo messenger, MSN messenger, Skye, utorrent, AOL messenger and other programs

Monday, January 17, 2011

PSP Trick Video Output On Pc Via Usb

If you have psp and pc and you want to make psp video output on pc to play your psp games on big screen then this trick is for you. it is a psp plugins that lets to display your psp screen on pc via usb cable.lets start
psp trick video output on pc via usb

Steps For psp
  • First you have to download RemoteJoyLite >> download
  • Open the rar file just downloaded and extract the Remotejoylite.prx to psp memory card >> seplugins folder

Monday, January 10, 2011

Tips To Improve Pc Performance For Best Gaming Experiences

If your Gaming Experience is very poor? Trying to play latest games on your pc but didn't run pc fast even you meet all the requirements of the game? If you want to make sure that you are getting ultimate gaming performance then follow this tips.
Tips to Improve Pc Performance for best Gaming Experiences

By adjusting windows visual effect will greatly improve your pc performance. To make this change right click on my computer > properties > advance system setting > advance tab > performance setting > adjust for best performance then click apply and ok.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How To Add Facebook Like Button For Blogger

add facebook like button for bloggerFacebook Has Now Come Up With Social Plugin Like Button. Wich Able You To Engage Social Experiences To Your Users. Facebook Like Button Is Similar To Twitter Tweet Button. It Enable Users To Make Only Like Button No Dislike Buttons Same As Twitter Button Does Only Tweet. You Can Also Get To Know How Many Users Liked Your Blog Post.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Top 10 Google Search Tips And Tricks

Everyone know google search is best search engine for us. google search helps us to find product,information,service almost every thing on the internet. now i m gonna share you a simple but useful tips to help you to find exactly what you're looking for.
top 10 google search tips and tricks
1. define:
If you want to see the definition for any word and phrase, open google search and just type "define",: and  then type word/phrase that you want to define. for example define:computer then the search will show the list of definition for the word "computer".
2. filetype:
Useful Google operator for finding specific file formats. Sometimes you know that the information you are looking for is likely to be contained in a PDF document or on a PowerPoint presentation, for instance. (i.e. “business research filetype:pdf ”will search for PDF documents that contain the terms “business” and “research”)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

How To Increase Internet Speed By 20%

increase internet speed by 20%By default Windows hold back 20% of your Internet speed for various services like windows update and spyware checks. If you want use that 20% internet speed then follow these step and make the following changes...

1. Go to Start-> Run-> and type gpedit.msc

2. Expand the Administrative Templates branch